Active carbon deoxidizer has been developed on the principle of electrochemical oxidation.
互联网Active carbon is widely used because of its low price.
互联网In addition, active carbon biodisk also has a good shock load tolerance.
此外, 活性炭生物转盘还有较强的耐有机负荷冲击能力.
互联网Chemical Processing Plants , Sulphur, Chemical Supplies, Adhesives and Sealants, Active Carbon.
采购产品化学加工厂, 含硫量, 化学用品, 胶粘剂和密封剂, 活性炭.
互联网Industrial products: Active Carbon, Mica , Limestone , Quick Lime, Silica , P ; astic Pellet , Medicine , Tablet, Ore, Etc.
工矿类: 活性碳 、 云母 、 石灰母 、 生石灰 、 硅土、其它矿石等.
互联网The immobilization of porcine pancreas lipase on active carbon by absorption has been studied.
互联网Active carbon was prepared from rice hull, which was treated with concentrated acid.
互联网Active carbon adsorption is an effective method for the treating low concentration benzene in gases.
互联网It also studied adsorptivity of active carbon on which some of benzene hydrocarbon has been absorbed.
互联网Moreover, add active carbon of some proportion if discoloration is needed in the filtration course.
另外,如果过滤时需要脱色, 还需加入一定比例的活性碳.
互联网The results show that the best condition are: 100℃ , 20 minutes , bleaching clay 5 %, active carbon 2 %.
确定最佳吸附脱色条件为: 100℃、20min 、 活性炭添加量为油重的2%, 活性白土添加量为油重的5%.
互联网This invention relates to the active carbon fiber volatile organic gas adsorption recovery methods and devices.
互联网The absorption function to palladium and gold by improving active carbon is strongly perfected.
互联网Active carbon is a non - metallic element and is often used to filter and liquid or air.
互联网They have made breakthrough in the forming of active carbon in the world.
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